Save the bees – SJÖ SKIN

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Save the bees

Did you know bees pollinate a third of everything we eat? One single bee colony can pollinate 300 million flowers every day. And with 84% of the world's pollination being reliant on bees, they are essential for sustaining the planet’s ecosystems.

Devastatingly, honeybees have been dying at an increasingly rapid rate due to high levels of dangerous pesticides and disruption of wild habitats, It is estimated that 20% of Europe’s bee population - and 53% of global bee populations - die as a result of these activities.


Here's what we do at SJÖ SKIN. 

  1. We sponsor bee hives from small independent beekeepers. This means we invest into their business which helps them to keep providing homes for bees.

  2. We buy honey from an ecological beekeeper, where bees pollinate in the Swedish wildforest. Ecological farms don’t use harmful pesticides and can increase biodiversity with up to 50% for bees.  

  3. We donate to organisations that are dedicated to educating the public, petition governments, and lead initiatives and research to help save the bees. E.g. Naturskyddsföreningen and Rädda Bina in Sweden.


Here's what you can do as a consumer.

  1. Choose ecological/organic produce where possible. 

  2. Plant flowers in your garden or balcony. These perennial plants are easy to grow and maintain: Unspotted lungwort, Catmint, Great masterwort, Bloody geranium, Knautia macedonica, Purple coneflower